Source code for fafbseg.flywire.annotations

#    A collection of tools to interface with manually traced and autosegmented
#    data in FAFB.
#    Copyright (C) 2019 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Functions to fetch and set annotations in FlyWire using the annotation
framework and the materialization engine."""

import os
import navis
import requests
import functools
import warnings

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Catch some stupid warning about installing python-Levenshtein
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    import fuzzywuzzy as fw
    import fuzzywuzzy.process

from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
from typing import Optional
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path

from ..utils import make_iterable, download_cache_file, CACHE_DIR
from .utils import (get_cave_client, retry, get_chunkedgraph_secret,
                    find_mat_version, inject_dataset, _is_valid_version,
                    match_dtype, MaterializationMatchError)
from . import segmentation  # this is to avoid circular imports

FLYWIRE_ANNOT_URL = "{commit}/supplemental_files/Supplemental_file1_neuron_annotations.tsv"
FLYWIRE_ANNOT_URL_OLD = "{commit}/supplemental_files/Supplemental_file1_annotations.tsv"
                    #'supervoxel_id',  # skipping this because it may imply that we can map any supervoxel
                    #'pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z', 'soma_x',  # skipping because numeric
                    #'soma_y', 'soma_z', 'nucleus_id',  # skipping because numeric
                    'flow', 'super_class', 'cell_class',
                    'cell_sub_class', 'cell_type', 'hemibrain_type', 'ito_lee_hemilineage',
                    'hartenstein_hemilineage', 'morphology_group',
                    'top_nt', 'known_nt', # 'top_nt_conf',  # skipping because numeric
                    'side', 'nerve', 'fbbt_id', 'status'] \
                    + ['type', 'community_annotation']  # these are special hard-coded cases

__all__ = ['get_somas',
           'delete_annotations', 'upload_annotations',
           'search_community_annotations', 'search_annotations',

NUC_TABLES = {"default": "nuclei_v1",
              "flywire_fafb_public": "nuclei_v1",
              "flywire_fafb_production": "nuclei_v1",
              "fanc_production_mar2021": "nucleus_mar2022"}
COMMUNITY_ANNOTATION_TABLE = "neuron_information_v2"
_annotation_tables = None
_user_information = {}

# The default annotation version
_CURRENT_ANNOTATION_COMMIT = None  # this is to keep track of the current commit

def parse_neuroncriteria(allow_all=True, allow_empty=False):
    """Parse all NeuronCriteria arguments into an array of root IDs.

    allow_all :     bool
                    When providing no criteria, _all_ neurons in the annotation
                    table are returned. This flag determines whether the function
                    allows that or whether it will raise an error.
    allow_empty :   bool
                    Whether to allow the NeuronCriteria to not match any neurons.
    def outer(func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            # Search through *args for NeuronCriteria
            for i, nc in enumerate(args):
                if isinstance(nc, NeuronCriteria):
                    # First check if we're allowed to query all neurons
                    if nc.is_empty and not allow_empty:
                        raise ValueError('NeuronCriteria must contain filter conditions.')
                    # See if materialization is defined in the function's signature
                    # but not in the NeuronCriteria
                    if nc.materialization in ('auto', None):
                        if kwargs.get("materialization") not in ('auto', None):
                            nc.materialization = kwargs['materialization']
                    # TODO: we should probably also check for clashes, e.g. if
                    # flywire.get_synapses(NC(type='ps009', materialization=123), materialiation=456)
                    args = list(args)
                    args[i] = nc.get_roots()
            # Search through **kwargs for NeuronCriteria
            for key, nc in kwargs.items():
                if isinstance(nc, NeuronCriteria):
                    # First check if we're allowed to query all neurons
                    if nc.is_empty and not allow_empty:
                        raise ValueError('NeuronCriteria must contain filter conditions.')
                    # See if materialization is defined in the function's signature
                    # but not in the NeuronCriteria
                    if nc.materialization in ('auto', None):
                        if kwargs.get("materialization") not in ('auto', None):
                            nc.materialization = kwargs['materialization']
                    kwargs[key] = nc.get_roots()
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            except NoMatchesError as e:
                if allow_empty:
                    return np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
                    raise e
        return inner
    return outer

[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def is_proofread(x, table=("proofreading_status_public_v1", "proofread_neurons"), materialization='auto', cache=True, validate=True, *, dataset=None): """Test if neuron has been set to `proofread`. Parameters ---------- x : int | list of int Root IDs to check. table : str | tupple Which CAVE table(s) to use. There are currently two tables: - "proofreading_status_public_v1" contains everything that has been set to proofread by the community and includes some things that aren't actual neurons; this table is automatically updated and should be up-to-date for the production dataset - "proofread_neurons" is a sanitized version of the above and should contain only neurons; note though that this table is not automatically updated and will lag behind the "proofreading_status_public_v1" table Unfortunately, the "proofreading_status_public_v1" table is currently only available in the production but not the public dataset - which makes sense since the public dataset is a static snapshot. To make this function robust, we default to using "proofreading_status_public_v1" and fall back to "proofread_neurons" if the former is not available. materialization : "latest" | "live" | "auto" | int Which materialization to check. If "latest" will use the latest available one in the CAVE client. validate : bool Whether to validate IDs. cache : bool Use and update a locally cached version of the proofreading table. Setting this to ``False`` will force fetching the full table which is considerably slower. Does not apply if `materialization='live'`. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- proofread : np.ndarray Boolean array. """ global PR_TABLE if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, set, list, pd.Series)): x = [x] # Force into array and convert to integer x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.int64) # Check if any of the roots are outdated -> can't check those if validate and materialization == 'live': il = segmentation.is_latest_root(x, dataset=dataset) if any(~il): print("At least some root ID(s) outdated and will therefore show up as " f"not proofread: {x[~il]}") # Get available materialization versions client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) available_tables = client.materialize.get_tables() if isinstance(table, str): if table not in available_tables: raise ValueError(f'Table "{table}" not available in dataset "{dataset}"') elif isinstance(table, (tuple, list)): for t in table: if t in available_tables: table = t break if not isinstance(t, str): raise ValueError(f'None of the tables "{table}" are available in dataset "{dataset}"') else: raise TypeError('`table` must be str or tuple/list of str, got {type(table)}') if materialization == 'latest': mat_versions = client.materialize.get_versions() materialization = max(mat_versions) elif materialization == 'auto': materialization = find_mat_version(x, dataset=dataset) if materialization == 'live': # For live materialization only do on-the-run queries pr_table = client.materialize.live_query(table=table, timestamp=dt.datetime.utcnow(), filter_in_dict=dict(pt_root_id=x)) elif isinstance(materialization, (np.integer, int)): if cache: if (table, materialization) in PR_TABLE: pr_table = PR_TABLE[(table, materialization)] else: pr_table = client.materialize.query_table(table=table, materialization_version=materialization) PR_TABLE[(table, materialization)] = pr_table else: pr_table = client.materialize.query_table(table=table, filter_in_dict=dict(pt_root_id=x), materialization_version=materialization) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid materialization "{materialization}"') return np.isin(x, pr_table.pt_root_id.values)
@inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) @retry def is_materialized_root(id, materialization='latest', *, dataset=None): """Check if root existed at the time of materialization. Parameters ---------- id : int | list-like Single ID or list of FlyWire (root) IDs. materialization : "latest" | int | "any" Which materialization to check. - "latest" will check against the latest materialization - int will check against the given version dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- numpy array Array of booleans See Also -------- :func:`fafbseg.flywire.find_mat_version` Use this to find a materialization version at which given root IDs exist. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> flywire.annotations.is_materialized_root(720575940621039145) array([False]) """ id = make_iterable(id, force_type=np.int64) # Generaate array we can fill is_mat = np.zeros(len(id), dtype=bool) # Get root timestamps client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) ts_root_gen = client.chunkedgraph.get_root_timestamps(id) # Get timestamp at materalization ts_mat = client.materialize.get_timestamp(None if materialization == 'latest' else materialization) # Root IDs younger than the materialization can already be left at false older = ts_root_gen < ts_mat # Check which of the old-enough roots are still up-to-date if any(older): il = segmentation.is_latest_root(id[older], dataset=dataset) if any(il): is_mat[np.where(older)[0][il]] = True if any(~il): # For those that aren't up-to-date anymore we have to make sure that # the were still "alive" at the materialization was_alive = [] for i, ts in zip(id[older][~il], ts_root_gen[older][~il]): # Get the lineage graph from the root's creation right up to the # materialization G = client.chunkedgraph.get_lineage_graph(np.int64(i), timestamp_past=ts, timestamp_future=ts_mat, as_nx_graph=True) try: # If there is a successor, this root was already dead _ = next(G.successors(i)) was_alive.append(False) except StopIteration: was_alive.append(True) was_alive = np.array(was_alive) if any(was_alive): is_mat[np.where(older)[0][was_alive]] = True return is_mat
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def get_materialization_versions(*, dataset=None): """Fetch info on the available materializations. Parameters ---------- dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox" | "flat_630", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- DataFrame """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) # Get currently existing versions get_versions = retry(client.materialize.get_versions) versions = get_versions() # Fetch meta data meta = pd.DataFrame.from_records([client.materialize.get_version_metadata(v) for v in versions]) # Reduce precision for timestamps to make more readable meta['expires_on'] = meta.expires_on.values.astype('datetime64[m]') meta['time_stamp'] = meta.time_stamp.values.astype('datetime64[m]') return meta.sort_values('version', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def create_cave_table(name: str, schema: str, description: str, voxel_resolution=[1, 1, 1], *, dataset=None): """Create CAVE annotation table. This is just a thin-wrapper around `CAVEclient.annotation.create_table`. Note that newly created tables will not show up as materialized until the next round of materialization. Unfortuntately, there is currently no way to query un-materialized tables. Existing tables can be browsed `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the table. schema : str Name of the schema. This determines what data we can put in the table. Here are some useful ones: - "bound_tag" contains a location ("pt") and a text "tag" - "contact" contains two locations ("sidea_pt" and "sideb_pt"), a "size" (int) and a "ctr_pt" point - "proofread_status" contains a location ("pt"), a "valid_id" (int) and a "status" (str) field - "cell_type_local" contains a location ("pt"), and "cell_type" (str) and "classification_system" (str) fields See `here <>` for a detailed list of all available schemas. description : str Human-readable description of what's in the table. voxel_resolution : list of ints [x, y, z] Voxel resolution points will be uploaded in. For example: - [1,1,1] = coordinates are in nanometers - [4,4,40] = coordinates are 4nm, 4nm, 40nm voxels dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- response Server response if something went wrong. """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) navis.utils.eval_param(name, name='name', allowed_types=(str, )) navis.utils.eval_param(schema, name='schema', allowed_types=(str, )) navis.utils.eval_param(description, name='description', allowed_types=(str, )) navis.utils.eval_param(voxel_resolution, name='voxel_resolution', allowed_types=(list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(voxel_resolution, np.ndarray): voxel_resolution = voxel_resolution.flatten().tolist() if len(voxel_resolution) != 3: raise ValueError('`voxel_resolution` must be list of [x, y, z], got ' f'{len(voxel_resolution)}') resp = client.annotation.create_table(table_name=name, schema_name=schema, description=description, voxel_resolution=voxel_resolution) if resp.content.decode() == name: print(f'Table "{resp.content.decode()}" successfully created.') else: print('Something went wrong, check response.') return resp
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def list_cave_tables(*, dataset=None): """Fetch available CAVE annotation tables. Parameters ---------- dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- list """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) an = client.annotation.get_tables() ma = client.materialize.get_tables() all_tables = list(set(an) | set(ma)) df = pd.DataFrame(index=all_tables) df['annotation'] = df.index.isin(an) df['materialized'] = df.index.isin(ma) return df
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def get_cave_table_info(table_name: str, *, dataset=None): """Get info for given CAVE table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- info : dict """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) return client.annotation.get_table_metadata(table_name)
[docs] @inject_dataset() def get_cave_table(table_name: str, materialization='latest', split_positions: bool = False, fill_user_info: bool = True, drop_invalid: bool = True, *, dataset: Optional[str] = None, **filters): """Get annotations from given CAVE table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. materialization : "live" | "latest" | int | bool | iterable Which materialization version to fetch. You can also provide an ID (int) for a specific materialization version (see ``get_materialization_versions``). If you provide a container of materialization versions this function will search all of them and concatenate the results (no deduplication). Set to ``False`` to fetch the non-materialized version. fill_user_info : bool | full Whether to fill in user information for the table. Only relevant if table has a `user_id` column. If True, will add a `user_name` column. If "full", will add also add a `user_pi` column. split_positions : bool Whether to split x/y/z positions into separate columns. drop_invalid : bool Whether to drop invalidated (i.e. deleted or updated) annotations. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox" | "flat_630", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). **filters Additional filter queries. See Examples. This works only if ``materialization!=False``. Returns ------- table : pandas.DataFrame """ if isinstance(materialization, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): assert len(materialization) > 0, 'If you provide a container of materialization versions it must not be empty.' return pd.concat([get_cave_table(table_name, materialization=v, split_positions=split_positions, drop_invalid=drop_invalid, dataset=dataset, **filters) for v in materialization], axis=0) # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) navis.utils.eval_param(table_name, name='table_name', allowed_types=(str, )) if materialization in ('live', -1): # internally we're treating -1 as live live_query = retry(client.materialize.live_query) data = live_query(table=table_name, timestamp=dt.datetime.utcnow(), split_positions=split_positions, **filters) elif materialization: if materialization == 'latest': materialization = client.materialize.most_recent_version() query_table = retry(client.materialize.query_table) data = query_table(materialization_version=materialization, table=table_name, split_positions=split_positions, **filters) else: raise ValueError('It is currently not possible to query the non-' 'materialized tables.') if fill_user_info and 'user_id' in data.columns: user_info = get_user_information(data.user_id.unique(), dataset=dataset, raise_missing=False) user_info = {r['id']: r for r in user_info if 'id' in r} data['user_name'] = x: user_info.get(x, {}).get('name', None)) if fill_user_info == 'full': data['user_pi'] = x: user_info.get(x, {}).get('pi', None)) if drop_invalid and 'valid' in data.columns: data = data[data.valid == 't'].copy() data.drop('valid', axis=1, inplace=True) # There is some weird interaction with pandas and the .attrs if the attrs contain numpy arrays if getattr(data, 'attrs', None): for k, v in data.attrs.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): data.attrs[k] = v.tolist() return data
@inject_dataset() @lru_cache def _get_empty_cave_table(table_name: str, split_positions: bool = False, fill_user_info: bool = False, *, dataset: Optional[str] = None): """Get an empty version of given CAVE table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. fill_user_info : bool | full Whether to fill in user information for the table. Only relevant if table has a `user_id` column. If True, will add a `user_name` column. If "full", will add also add a `user_pi` column. split_positions : bool Whether to split x/y/z positions into separate columns. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox" | "flat_630", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- table : pandas.DataFrame """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) navis.utils.eval_param(table_name, name='table_name', allowed_types=(str, )) query_table = retry(client.materialize.query_table) data = query_table(table=table_name, split_positions=split_positions, limit=1) data = data.iloc[0:0].copy() if fill_user_info and 'user_id' in data.columns: data['user_name'] = '' if fill_user_info == 'full': data['user_pi'] = '' # There is some weird interaction with pandas and the .attrs if the attrs contain numpy arrays if getattr(data, 'attrs', None): for k, v in data.attrs.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): data.attrs[k] = v.tolist() return data
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def delete_annotations(table_name: str, annotation_ids: list, *, dataset=None): """Delete annotations from CAVE annotation table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. annotation_ids : int | list | np.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame ID(s) of annotations to delete. If DataFrame must contain an "id" column. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- response : str Server response. """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) navis.utils.eval_param(table_name, name='table_name', allowed_types=(str, )) navis.utils.eval_param(annotation_ids, name='annotation_ids', allowed_types=(pd.DataFrame, list, np.ndarray, int)) if isinstance(annotation_ids, pd.DataFrame): if 'id' not in annotation_ids.columns: raise ValueError('DataFrame must contain an "id" column') annotation_ids = annotation_ids['id'].values if isinstance(annotation_ids, np.ndarray): annotation_ids = annotation_ids.flatten().tolist() elif isinstance(annotation_ids, (np.integer, int)): annotation_ids = [annotation_ids] resp = client.annotation.delete_annotation(table_name=table_name, annotation_ids=annotation_ids) print('Success! See response for details.') return resp
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['flat_630', 'flat_571']) def upload_annotations(table_name: str, data: pd.DataFrame, *, dataset=None): """Upload or update annotations to CAVE table. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. data : pandas.DataFrame Data to be uploaded. Must match the table's schema! If 'id' column exists, we assume that you want to update existing annotations (i.e. rows in the table) with the given IDs. See Examples for details. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- response : str Server response. Examples -------- Let's say we want to upload annotations to a table with the "bound_tag" schema. That schema requires a "pt" position and a "tag" (string) field. For all position fields, we need to provide them as a "{}_position" column (so "pt_position" in our example here) of x/y/z coordinates. Make sure they match the voxel resolution used for the table! >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> import pandas as pd Generate the (mock) data we want to upload: >>> data = pd.DataFrame([]) >>> data['pt_position'] = [[0,0,0], [100, 100, 100]] >>> data['tag'] = ['tag1', 'tag2'] >>> data pt_position tag 0 [0, 0, 0] tag1 1 [100, 100, 100] tag2 Upload that data to a (fictional) table: >>> flywire.upload_annotations('my_table', data) # doctest: +SKIP To update annotations we can do the same thing but provide IDs: >>> # Look up IDs of annotations to update and add to DataFrame >>> data['id'] = [0, 1] >>> # Make some changes to the data >>> data.loc[0, 'tag'] = 'new tag1' >>> flywire.upload_annotations('my_table', data) # doctest: +SKIP """ # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) navis.utils.eval_param(table_name, name='table_name', allowed_types=(str, )) navis.utils.eval_param(data, name='data', allowed_types=(pd.DataFrame, )) if 'id' in data.columns: func = client.annotation.update_annotation_df else: func = client.annotation.post_annotation_df resp = func(table_name=table_name, df=data, position_columns=None) print('Success! See response for details.') return resp
[docs] @inject_dataset() def get_somas(x=None, materialization='auto', raise_missing=True, split_positions=False, *, dataset=None): """Fetch nuclei segmentation for given neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x : int | list of ints | NeuronList, optional FlyWire root ID(s) or neurons for which to fetch soma infos. Use ``None`` to fetch complete list of annotated nuclei. If neurons, will set their soma and soma radius if one is found. Importantly, we assume that the neurons are in nanometer space. materialization : "auto" | "live" | "latest" | int | bool Which materialization version to fetch. You can also provide an ID (int) for a specific materialization version (see ``get_materialization_versions``). Set to False to fetch the non-materialized version. raise_missing : bool Only relevant if `materialization="auto"`: if True (default) will complain if any of the query IDs can not be found among the available materialization versions. split_positions : bool Whether to have separate columns for x/y/z position. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with nuclei (see Examples). Root IDs without a nucleus will be missing. The `rad_est` is the estimated radius based on the widest point of the nucleus - take it with a pinch of salt! Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> somas = flywire.get_somas([720575940628842314]) Using materialization version 783. >>> somas # doctest: +SKIP id volume pt_supervoxel_id pt_root_id pt_position rad_est 0 5743218 27.935539 80645535832325071 720575940628842314 [584928, 201568, 22720] 2480.0 """ if isinstance(x, navis.BaseNeuron): x = navis.NeuronList(x) table_name = NUC_TABLES.get(dataset, NUC_TABLES['default']) filter_in_dict = None if not isinstance(x, type(None)): if isinstance(x, navis.NeuronList): root_ids = else: root_ids = make_iterable(x, force_type=np.int64) if materialization == 'auto': try: materialization = find_mat_version(root_ids, allow_multiple=True, raise_missing=raise_missing, dataset=dataset) except MaterializationMatchError as e: if raise_missing: raise e else: return _get_empty_cave_table(table_name, split_positions=split_positions, dataset=dataset) if isinstance(materialization, np.ndarray): materialization = tuple(np.unique(materialization[materialization != 0]).tolist()) filter_in_dict = {'pt_root_id': root_ids} nuc = get_cave_table(table_name, materialization=materialization, split_positions=split_positions, dataset=dataset, filter_in_dict=filter_in_dict) nuc = nuc.drop_duplicates(['id', 'pt_root_id']).copy() # Add estimated radius based on nucleus if not nuc.empty: if not split_positions: start = np.vstack(nuc.bb_start_position) end = np.vstack(nuc.bb_end_position) nuc.drop(['bb_start_position', 'bb_end_position'], inplace=True, axis=1) else: start_cols = [f'bb_start_position_{co}' for co in ['x', 'y', 'z']] end_cols = [f'bb_end_position_{co}' for co in ['x', 'y', 'z']] start = nuc[start_cols].values end = nuc[end_cols].values nuc.drop(start_cols + end_cols, inplace=True, axis=1) nuc['rad_est'] = np.abs(start - end).max(axis=1) / 2 # If NeuronList, set their somas if isinstance(x, navis.NeuronList): if not split_positions: soma_pos = nuc.set_index('pt_root_id').pt_position.to_dict() else: soma_pos = dict(zip(nuc.pt_root_id, nuc[['pt_position_x', 'pt_position_y', 'pt_position_z']].values)) soma_rad = nuc.set_index('pt_root_id').rad_est.to_dict() for n in x: # Skip if no soma found if np.int64( not in soma_pos: continue if isinstance(n, navis.TreeNeuron): n.soma = n.snap(soma_pos[np.int64(])[0] n.nodes.loc[n.nodes.node_id == n.soma, 'radius'] = soma_rad[np.int64(] n._clear_temp_attr() # not sure why but this is necessary for some reason n.reroot(n.soma, inplace=True) elif isinstance(n, navis.MeshNeuron): n.soma_pos = soma_pos[np.int64(] else: # Make sure the column exist even in an empty table nuc['rad_est'] = [] # Sorting by radius makes sure that the small false-positives end up at the # bottom of the list return nuc.sort_values('rad_est', ascending=False)
def submit_cell_identification(x, split_tags=False, validate=True, skip_existing=False, max_threads=4, progress=True): """Submit community annotation(s) for given cell(s). Requires access to production dataset. Use this bulk submission of cell identification with great care! Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame Must have the following columns: - `valid_id` (or `root_id`, `root` or `id`) contains the current root ID - `x`, `y`, `z` (or `pos_x`, `pos_y`, `pos_z`) contain coordinates mapping to that root (must be in voxel space) - `tag` (or `tags`) must be a comma-separated string of tags - `user_id` (optional) if you want to submit for someone else split_tags : bool If True, will split the comma-separated tags into individual tags. validate : bool Whether to run some sanity checks on annotations (recommended)! skip_existing : bool Skip annotation if it already exist on given neuron. Note that this is limited by the 24h delay until annotations materialize. max_threads : int Number of parallel submissions. progress : bool If True, show progress bar. Returns ------- submitted : pandas.DataFrame A list of tags that were supposed to be submitted. Includes a `success` and an `error` column. You can use this to retry submission in case of errors. """ if not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(f'Expected DataFrame, got {type(x)}') REQ_COLS = (('valid_id', 'root_id', 'root', 'id'), ('x', 'pos_x'), ('y', 'pos_y'), ('z', 'pos_z'), ('tag', 'tags')) for c in REQ_COLS: if isinstance(c, tuple): # Check that at least one option exits if not any(np.isin(c, x.columns)): raise ValueError(f'`x` must contain one of these column: {c}') # Rename so we always find the first possible option if c[0] not in x.columns: for v in c[1:]: if v in x.columns: x = x.rename({v: c[0]}, axis=1) else: if c not in x: raise ValueError(f'Missing required column: {c}') if validate: roots = segmentation.locs_to_segments(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) is_zero = roots == 0 if any(is_zero): raise ValueError(f'{is_zero.sum()} xyz coordinates map to root ID 0') mm = roots != x.valid_id.astype(np.int64) if any(mm): raise ValueError(f'{mm.sum()} xyz coordinates do not map to the ' 'provided `valid_id`') session = requests.Session() future_session = FuturesSession(session=session, max_workers=max_threads) token = get_chunkedgraph_secret() session.headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {token}" if skip_existing: existing = _get_community_annotation_table(update_ids=True, dataset='production') futures = {} skipped = [] url = '' for i, (_, row) in enumerate(x.iterrows()): if split_tags: tags = row.tag.split(',') else: tags = [row.tag] if skip_existing: existing_tags = existing.loc[existing.pt_root_id == np.int64(row.valid_id), 'tag'].unique() for tag in tags: if skip_existing and tag in existing_tags: skipped.append([(i, tag)]) continue post = dict(valid_id=str(row.valid_id), location=f'{row.x}, {row.y}, {row.z}', tag=tag, action='single', user_id=row.get('user_id', '')) f =, data=post) futures[f] = [i, row.valid_id, row.x, row.y, row.z, tag] if len(skipped):'Skipped {len(skipped)} existing annotations.') # Get the responses resp = [f.result() for f in navis.config.tqdm(futures, desc='Submitting', disable=not progress or len(futures) == 1, leave=False)] submitted = [] for r, f in zip(resp, futures): submitted.append(futures[f]) try: r.raise_for_status() except BaseException as e: submitted[-1] += [False, str(e)] continue if 'Success' not in r.text: submitted[-1] += [False, r.text] continue submitted[-1] += [True, None] submitted = pd.DataFrame(submitted, columns=['row_ix', 'valid_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'tag', 'success', 'errors']) if not all(submitted.success): failed_ix = submitted[~submitted.success].row_ix.unique().astype(str) navis.config.logger.error(f'Encountered {(~x.success).sum()} errors ' 'while marking cells as proofread. Please ' 'see the `errors` columns in the returned ' 'dataframe for details. Affected rows in ' f'original dataframe: {", ".join(failed_ix)}') else:'SUCCESS!') return submitted
[docs] @parse_neuroncriteria() @inject_dataset(disallowed=['sandbox']) def search_annotations(x, exact=False, case=False, regex=True, clear_cache=False, annotation_version=None, materialization='auto', *, dataset=None): """Search hierarchical annotations (super class, cell class, cell type, etc). Annotations stem from Schlegel et al 2023 (bioRxiv); ~ corresponds to the "Classification" column in Codex. This function downloads and caches the supplemental annotation table hosted on Github at If you find any errors with the annotations, please open an issue on Github. Parameters ---------- x : str | int | Neuron/List | list of ints | NeuronCriteria | None Term (str) or root ID(s) to search for. Use `None` to return all annotations. See examples and ``NeuronCriteria`` for details. exact : bool Whether term must be an exact match. For example, if ``exact=False`` (default), 'sensory' will match to e.g. 'sensory,olfactory' or 'AN sensory'. case : bool If True (default = False), search for term will be case sensitive. regex : bool Whether to interpret term as regex. clear_cache : bool If True, will clear the cached annotation table(s). annotation_version : str, optional Which version of the annotations to use. This should correspond to a tag (e.g. the "v1.1.0" release) or a branch of the annotation repository (see URL above). - if `None` (default), will use in order: 1. The version set by ``flywire.set_default_annotation_version()`` 2. The version set by environment variable ``FLYWIRE_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION`` 3. The latest tagged release available on the "main" branch - if `latest_commit` will use the latest available commit - if `latest_tag` will use the latest available tag (release) Please see the online tutorial on annotations for details. materialization : "auto" | "live" | "latest" | int | bool Which materialization version to search: - "auto": if `x` are root ID(s), will try to find a version at which all root IDs co-existed; if `x` is string will use "latest" (see below) - "latest": uses the latest available materialization - integer: specifies a materialization version - "live": looks up the most recent root IDs from the supervoxels dataset : "public" | "production", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset - see :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with annotations matching ``x``. Coordinates are in 4x4x40nm voxel space. An explanation for each column can be found `here <>`_. See Also -------- :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.get_hierarchical_annotations` Loads table with all hierarchical annotations. :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.search_community_annotations` Searches specifically the community annotations. :class:`~fafbseg.flywire.NeuronCriteria` Helper to construct more complicated searches. Can also be passed directly to various other functions. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire Find info for given root ID(s): >>> an = flywire.search_annotations(720575940628857210) Using materialization version 783. >>> an.iloc[0] supervoxel_id 78112261444987077 root_id 720575940628857210 pos_x 109306 pos_y 50491 pos_z 3960 soma_x 104904.0 soma_y 47464.0 soma_z 5461.0 nucleus_id 2453924.0 flow intrinsic super_class central cell_class NaN cell_sub_class NaN cell_type NaN hemibrain_type PS180 ito_lee_hemilineage SMPpv2_ventral hartenstein_hemilineage CP1_ventral morphology_group NaN top_nt acetylcholine top_nt_conf 0.917977 side left nerve NaN vfb_id fw138205 fbbt_id FBbt_20001935 status NaN Name: 0, dtype: object Search a term among all fields (this is a cell type): >>> ps009 = flywire.search_annotations('PS009', exact=True) Using materialization version 783. You can use "colum:value" as shorthand to search a specific field: >>> phn = flywire.search_annotations('nerve:PhN') Using materialization version 783. Use regex to refine search (here we try to find all "PSXXX" hemibrain types): >>> all_ps = flywire.search_annotations('hemibrain_type:PS[0-9]{3}', regex=True) Using materialization version 783. Use ``NeuronCriteria`` for more more complicated queries: >>> from fafbseg.flywire import NeuronCriteria as NC >>> ann = flywire.search_annotations(NC(type='PS009', side='left')) Found 1 neuron matching the given criteria. Using materialization version 783. Note that `type` in the above example will search against all `*_type` fields (e.g. both `cell_type` and `hemibrain_type`). See :class:`~fafbseg.flywire.NeuronCriteria` for details. """ # See if ``x`` is a root ID as string if isinstance(x, str): try: x = np.int64(x) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(x, (int, np.int64, np.int32)): x = np.array([x]) elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): x = np.array(x) elif isinstance(x, navis.NeuronList): x = elif isinstance(x, navis.BaseNeuron): x = np.array([]) # Make sure root IDs are integers if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): try: x = x.astype(np.int64) except ValueError: pass # Map annotation version to commit commit = version_to_commit(annotation_version) if materialization == 'auto': # If query is not a bunch of root IDs, just use the latest version if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or x.dtype not in (int, np.int64): materialization = 'latest' else: # First check among the available versions cached_versions = _get_cached_annotation_materializations(commit) if len(cached_versions): for version in sorted(cached_versions)[::-1]: if _is_valid_version(ids=x, version=version, dataset=dataset): materialization = version print(f'Using materialization version {version}.') break else: materialization = find_mat_version(x, raise_missing=False, dataset=dataset) if materialization == 'latest': # Map to the latest cached version cached_versions = _get_cached_annotation_materializations(commit) available_version = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset).materialize.get_versions() if len(cached_versions): available_and_cached = cached_versions[np.isin(cached_versions, available_version)] else: available_and_cached = [] if len(available_and_cached): materialization = sorted(available_and_cached)[-1] else: materialization = sorted(available_version)[-1] print(f'Using materialization version {materialization}.') # Grab the table at the requested materialization ann = get_hierarchical_annotations(annotation_version=annotation_version, materialization=materialization, dataset=dataset, force_reload=clear_cache) # If no query term, we'll just return the whole table if x is None: return ann # Search for given tag if `x` is string if isinstance(x, str): if ':' in x: col, x = x.split(':') col, x = col.strip(), x.strip() # strip accidental whitespaces if col not in ann.columns: raise ValueError(f'Annotation table has no column called "{col}"') cols = [col] else: # Get all string columns dtypes = ann.dtypes cols = dtypes[(dtypes == object) & ~dtypes.index.str.contains('root')].index filter = np.zeros(len(ann), dtype=bool) for col in cols: if not exact: filter[ann[col].str.contains(x, case=case, regex=regex, na=False)] = True elif not regex: filter[ann[col].str == x] = True else: filter[ann[col].str.match(x, case=case, na=False)] = True # Filter ann = ann.loc[filter] else: ann = ann[ann['root_id'].isin(x)] # Return copy to avoid setting-on-copy warning return ann.copy().reset_index(drop=True)
def version_to_commit(annotation_version): """Map version to commit.""" # Get available tags for the repo tags = _get_available_annotation_versions() # If no version specified in this function annotation_version_str = "unspecified" if annotation_version is None: # If no default annotation version if DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION is None: # Use latest commit annotation_version_str = "latest tagged release" annotation_version = tags[0]['name'] #annotation_version = _get_available_commits()[0]['sha'] else: annotation_version_str = f"default ({DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION})" annotation_version = DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION if annotation_version == 'latest_tag': annotation_version_str = "latest tagged release" annotation_version = tags[0]['name'] elif annotation_version == 'latest_commit': annotation_version_str = "latest commit" annotation_version = _get_available_commits()[0]['sha'] # Now map the annotation version to the actual commit sha sha = None # See if any of the tags match `annotation_version` for t in tags: if annotation_version == t['name']: sha = t['commit']['sha'] break # If still no commit, look for a branch if not sha: branches = _get_available_branches() for b in branches: if annotation_version == b['name']: sha = b['commit']['sha'] break # If still no commit, look for an actual commit if not sha: all_commits = _get_available_commits() for c in all_commits: if c['sha'].startswith(annotation_version): sha = c['sha'] break # If still no commit, raise error if not sha: raise ValueError(f'`annotation_version="{annotation_version}"` could not ' 'be mapped to a commit.\n' f'Available versions are: {", ".join([t["name"] for t in tags])}\n' f'Available branches are: {", ".join([b["name"] for b in branches])}') # Report which version we are using on first call global _CURRENT_ANNOTATION_COMMIT if _CURRENT_ANNOTATION_COMMIT != sha: all_commits = _get_available_commits() for c in all_commits: if c['sha'] == sha: commit = c break try: # This works if we have a commit date date = f" from {dt.datetime.fromisoformat(commit['commit']['author']['date']).date()}" except BaseException: date = '' print(f'Using annotation version "{annotation_version_str}" ({sha[:7]}{date}) from') _CURRENT_ANNOTATION_COMMIT = sha return sha def clear_cached_annotations(): """Delete cached annotation tables.""" cache_dir = Path(CACHE_DIR).expanduser().absolute() # Delete all files in cache_dir that match "flywire_annotations@*.tsv" cached = [ for f in cache_dir.glob('flywire_annotations@*.tsv')] for c in cached: fp = cache_dir / c if fp.exists(): fp.unlink() print(f'Deleted {fp}.')
[docs] @inject_dataset() def get_hierarchical_annotations(annotation_version=None, materialization=None, force_reload=False, verbose=True, *, dataset=None): """Download (and cache) hierarchical annotations. Annotations stem from Schlegel et al 2023 (bioRxiv); corresponds to largely to the "Classification" column in Codex. This function downloads and caches the annotation table hosted on Github at Updates to the Github repository will trigger an update of the cached file. If you find any issues with the annotations, please open an issue on Github. Parameters ---------- annotation_version : str, optional Which version of the annotations to use. This should correspond to a tag (e.g. the "v1.1.0" release), a branch or a commit of the annotation repository ( - if `None` (default), will use in order: 1. The version set by ``flywire.set_default_annotation_version()`` 2. The version set by environment variable ``FLYWIRE_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION`` 3. The latest tagged release available on the "main" branch - if `latest_commit` will use the latest available commit - if `latest_tag` will use the latest available tag (release) Please see the online tutorial on annotations for details. materialization : "live" | "latest" | int, optional Which materialization you want the root IDs to correspond to: - `int`, will map to a specific materialization version - "live", will update the "root_id" column to be current IDs - "latest" will update to the latest materialization version - if `None` will return table as found on Github force_reload : bool If True, will force fresh download of file even if already cached locally. Returns ------- DataFrame See Also -------- :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.search_annotations` Searches for annotations for given neurons. :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.search_community_annotations` Searches the community annotations. :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_annotation_version` Sets the default annotation version. """ # Map annotation version to commit. This also takes care of parsing # the default annotation version if `annotation_version` is None commit = version_to_commit(annotation_version) # Load the file from cache or download it fp = Path(CACHE_DIR).expanduser().absolute() / f"flywire_annotations@{commit}.tsv" try: fp = download_cache_file( FLYWIRE_ANNOT_URL.format(commit=commit), filename=fp, force_reload=force_reload, verbose=verbose ) except requests.HTTPError: # Prior to v2.0.0 the annotation file had a different name fp = download_cache_file( FLYWIRE_ANNOT_URL_OLD.format(commit=commit), filename=fp, force_reload=force_reload, verbose=verbose ) # Read the actual table from disk table = pd.read_csv(fp, sep="\t", low_memory=False) # Turn supervoxel and all root ID columns into integers dtypes = {'supervoxel_id': np.int64} dtypes.update({c: np.int64 for c in table.columns if str(c).startswith('root_')}) table = table.astype(dtypes) # Map to the latest version if materialization == 'latest': client = get_cave_client() materialization = sorted(client.materialize.get_versions())[-1] # If mat is live we need to check for outdated IDs save = False if materialization in ("live", "current") and (dataset == 'production'): if "root_live" not in table.columns: table["root_live"] = table["root_id"] root_col = "root_live" to_update = ~segmentation.is_latest_root(table.root_live, progress=False, dataset=dataset) if any(to_update): if verbose and not os.environ.get('FAFBSEG_TESTING', False): print( "Updating root IDs for hierarchical annotations... ", end="", flush=True, ) table.loc[to_update, "root_live"] = segmentation.supervoxels_to_roots( table.supervoxel_id.values[to_update], progress=False ) save = True # If `materialization` is not None # (if it is None, we will just use the existing 'root_id' column) elif materialization: root_col = f"root_{materialization}" if root_col not in table.columns: if verbose and not os.environ.get('FAFBSEG_TESTING', False): print( "Caching root IDs for hierarchical annotations at " f"materialization '{materialization}'... ", end="", flush=True, ) save = True table[root_col] = segmentation.supervoxels_to_roots( table.supervoxel_id, timestamp=f"mat_{materialization}", progress=False ) else: root_col = 'root_id' # If me made changes (i.e. updated the root ID column) save this back to disk # so we don't have to do it again if save: table.to_csv(fp, index=False, sep='\t') if verbose and not os.environ.get('FAFBSEG_TESTING', False): print('Done.', flush=True) # Make sure "root_id" corresponds to the requested materialization and drop # all others "root_xxx" columns to avoid confusion table['root_id'] = table[root_col] table = table.drop([c for c in table.columns if ('root_' in c) and (c != 'root_id')], axis=1) return table
def _get_cached_annotation_materializations(commit): """Which materialization versions have been cached for the annotation table.""" fp = Path(CACHE_DIR).expanduser().absolute() / f"flywire_annotations@{commit}.tsv" # If file already exists, check if we need to refresh the cache if not fp.exists(): return [] # Read the actual table table = pd.read_csv(fp, sep="\t", low_memory=False, nrows=1) # Parse root ID columns mats = [] for col in table.columns: if not col.startswith('root_'): continue try: this_mat = int(col.replace('root_', '')) mats.append(this_mat) except ValueError: pass return np.array(mats) @lru_cache def _get_github_session(): s = requests.Session() if "GITHUB_PAT" in os.environ: s.auth = ('user', 'pass') s.headers.update({'Authorization': f"Bearer {os.environ['GITHUB_PAT']}"}) return s @lru_cache def _get_available_annotation_versions(): # Get available tags r = _get_github_session().get("") r.raise_for_status() return r.json() @lru_cache def _get_available_commits(): # Get available commits r = _get_github_session().get("") r.raise_for_status() return r.json() @lru_cache def _get_available_branches(): # Get available tags r = _get_github_session().get("") r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs] def get_user_information(user_ids, field=None, raise_missing=True, dataset=None): """Fetch (and cache) user information (name, affiliation, etc.) from their IDs. Parameters ---------- user_ids : list of integers List of IDs for which to find user information. field : str, optional If provided will only return given field (e.g "name"). raise_missing : bool If True (default), will raise an error if any of the queried user IDs can not be found. If False, will return None for missing IDs. dataset : "public" | "production", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see also :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- list """ # Get IDs missing from cache missing = [i for i in user_ids if i not in _user_information] # Fetch info for missing IDs and update cache if len(missing): client = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset) _user_information.update({r['id']: r for r in client.auth.get_user_information(missing)}) if raise_missing: missing = [i for i in user_ids if i not in _user_information] if len(missing): raise ValueError(f'Could not find user information for user IDs: {missing}') if field is None: return [_user_information.get(i, {}) for i in user_ids] else: return [_user_information.get(i, {}).get(field, None) for i in user_ids]
[docs] @inject_dataset(disallowed=['sandbox']) def search_community_annotations(x, exact=False, case=False, regex=True, clear_cache=False, *, materialization='auto', dataset=None): """Search community cell identification annotations for given term/root IDs. This function loads and caches the cell type information table, i.e. the first call might take a while but subsequent calls should be very fast. Parameter --------- x : str | int | Neuron/List | list of ints | None Term (str) or root ID(s) to search for. Set to ``None`` to fetch all annotations. exact : bool Whether term must be an exact match. For example, if ``exact=False`` (default), 'sensory' will match to e.g. 'sensory,olfactory' or 'AN sensory'. case : bool If True (default = False), search for term will be case sensitive. regex : bool Whether to interpret term as regex. clear_cache : bool If True, will clear the cached annotation table(s). materialization : "auto" | "live" | "latest" | int | bool Which materialization version to search. You can also provide an ID (int) for a specific materialization version (see ``get_materialization_versions``). "auto" is only relevant if `x` is a list of root IDs. dataset : "public" | "production", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see also :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with annotations matching ``x``. Coordinates are in 4x4x40nm voxel space. See Also -------- :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.search_annotations` Use this to search through the hierarchical annotations. :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.get_hierarchical_annotations` Use this to load a table with all hierarchical annotations. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire Search for annotations for given root ID(s): >>> an = flywire.search_community_annotations(720575940628857210) Using materialization version 783. >>> an.iloc[0] # doctest: +SKIP id 46699 created 2022-04-20 17:26:55.132886+00:00 superceded_id NaN pt_position_x 419980 pt_position_y 189644 pt_position_z 217360 tag unclassified_IN_FW_112 user Stefanie Hampel user_id 125 pt_supervoxel_id 77830580511126708 pt_root_id 720575940628857210 Name: 0, dtype: object Search for all tags matching a given pattern: >>> mi1 = flywire.search_community_annotations('Mi1') >>> mi1.head() # doctest: +SKIP id pos_x pos_y ... tag user user_id 0 61866 200890 58482 ... Medulla Intrinsic - Mi1 TR77 2843 1 61867 192776 41653 ... Medulla Intrinsic - Mi1 TR77 2843 2 61869 194704 97128 ... Medulla Intrinsic - Mi1 TR77 2843 3 61871 191574 82521 ... Medulla Intrinsic - Mi1 TR77 2843 4 61877 195454 43026 ... Medulla Intrinsic - Mi1 TR77 2843 """ # See if ``x`` is a root ID as string if isinstance(x, str): try: x = np.int64(x) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(x, (int, np.int64, np.int32)): x = np.array([x]) elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): x = np.array(x) elif isinstance(x, navis.NeuronList): x = elif isinstance(x, navis.BaseNeuron): x = np.array([]) # Make sure root IDs are integers if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): try: x = x.astype(np.int64) except ValueError: pass if materialization == 'auto': if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): materialization = find_mat_version(x, raise_missing=False, dataset=dataset) else: materialization = 'latest' if clear_cache: _get_community_annotation_table.cache_clear() # Grab the table at the requested materialization ct = _get_community_annotation_table(dataset=dataset, split_positions=True, materialization=materialization) # If no query term, we'll just return the whole table if x is None: return ct # Search for given tag if `x` is string if isinstance(x, str): if not exact: ct = ct[ct.tag.str.contains(x, case=case, regex=regex)] elif not regex: ct = ct[ct.tag == x] else: ct = ct[ct.tag.str.match(x, case=case)] # Avoid setting-on-copy warning ct = ct.copy() # Rename columns to make it less clunky to work with ct = ct.rename({'pt_position_x': 'pos_x', 'pt_position_y': 'pos_y', 'pt_position_z': 'pos_z', 'pt_root_id': 'root_id', 'pt_supervoxel_id': 'supervoxel_id'}, axis=1) # Convert from nm to voxel space ct[['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'pos_z']] //= [4, 4, 40] else: ct = ct[ct.pt_root_id.isin(x)] if not ct.empty: name_map = dict(zip(ct.user_id.unique(), get_user_information(ct.user_id.unique(), field='name', raise_missing=False, dataset=dataset))) ct.insert(ct.columns.tolist().index('user_id'), 'user', return ct.reset_index(drop=True)
@lru_cache def _get_community_annotation_table(dataset, materialization, split_positions=False, verbose=True): """Fetch (and cache) annotation tables.""" if materialization == 'latest': versions = get_cave_client(dataset=dataset).materialize.get_versions() materialization = sorted(versions)[-1] if verbose and not os.environ.get('FAFBSEG_TESTING', False): print(f'Caching community annotations for materialization version "{materialization}"...', end='', flush=True) table = get_cave_table(table_name=COMMUNITY_ANNOTATION_TABLE, dataset=dataset, split_positions=split_positions, materialization=materialization) if verbose and not os.environ.get('FAFBSEG_TESTING', False): print(' Done.') return table def mark_cell_completion(x, validate=True, skip_existing=True, max_threads=4, progress=True): """Submit proofread status for given cell. Use this bulk submission of proofreading status with great care! Requires access to the production dataset. Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame Must have the following columns: - `valid_id` contains the current root ID - `x`, `y`, `z` contain coordinates mapping to that root (must be in voxel space) - `user_id` (optional) if you want to submit for someone else validate : bool Whether to run some sanity checks on annotations (recommended)! skip_existing : bool If True, will skip neurons that have already been marked proofread. max_threads : int Number of parallel submissions. progress : bool If True, show progress bar. Returns ------- response : pandas.DataFrame A copy of ``x`` with a `success` and an `error` column. """ if not isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(f'Expected DataFrame, got {type(x)}') REQ_COLS = (('valid_id', 'root_id', 'root', 'id'), ('x', 'pos_x'), ('y', 'pos_y'), ('z', 'pos_z')) for c in REQ_COLS: if isinstance(c, tuple): # Check that at least one option exits if not any(np.isin(c, x.columns)): raise ValueError(f'`x` must contain one of these column: {c}') # Rename so we always find the first possible option if c[0] not in x.columns: for v in c[1:]: if v in x.columns: x = x.rename({v: c[0]}, axis=1) else: if c not in x: raise ValueError(f'Missing required column: {c}') if validate: roots = segmentation.locs_to_segments(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) is_zero = roots == 0 if any(is_zero): raise ValueError(f'{is_zero.sum()} xyz coordinates map to root ID 0') mm = roots != x.valid_id.astype(np.int64) if any(mm): raise ValueError(f'{mm.sum()} xyz coordinates do not map to the ' 'provided `valid_id`') u, cnt = np.unique(roots, return_counts=True) if any(cnt > 1): raise ValueError(f'{(cnt > 1).sum()} root IDs are duplicated: ' f'{u[cnt > 1]}') if skip_existing: pr = is_proofread(x.valid_id.values) if any(pr):'Dropping {pr.sum()} neurons that have ' 'already been proofread') x = x[~pr] if x.empty:'Looks like all neurons have already ' 'been set to proofread') return pd.DataFrame(columns=['valid_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'success', 'errors']) if 'user_id' not in x.columns: x['user_id'] = '' session = requests.Session() future_session = FuturesSession(session=session, max_workers=max_threads) token = get_chunkedgraph_secret() session.headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {token}" futures = {} url = '' for i_, x_, y_, z_, u_ in zip(x.valid_id.values, x.x.values, x.y.values, x.z.values, x.user_id.values): post = dict(valid_id=str(i_), location=f'{x_}, {y_}, {z_}', action='single', user_id=u_) f =, data=post) futures[f] = post # Get the responses resp = [f.result() for f in navis.config.tqdm(futures, desc='Submitting', disable=not progress or len(futures) == 1, leave=False)] success = [] errors = [] for r, f in zip(resp, futures): try: r.raise_for_status() except BaseException as e: success.append(False) errors.append(str(e)) continue if 'Success' not in r.text: success.append(False) errors.append(r.text) continue success.append(True) errors.append(None) x = x[['valid_id', 'x', 'y', 'z']].copy() x['success'] = success x['errors'] = errors if not all(x.success): navis.config.logger.error(f'Encountered {(~x.success).sum()} errors ' 'while submitting cell identifications. Please ' 'see the `errors` columns in the returned ' 'dataframe for details.') else:'SUCCESS!') return x
[docs] class NeuronCriteria(): """Parses filter queries into root IDs. This class is typically passed as an argument to a function and will then be automatically converted into a list of root IDs. Filtering for multiple criteria is done using a logical AND, i.e. only neurons that match all criteria will be selected. Not providing any criteria will return all neurons in the hierarchical annotations table. Parameters ---------- root_id : int | list of int List of root IDs to select. Note that root IDs are not checked for whether they actually existed at the requested materialization. type : str | list of str Cell type(s) to select. Importantly this will search all `*_type` columns (e.g. `cell_type`, `hemibrain_type`). Note that you can also search against specific type columns directly (see examples). side : str | list of str Side(s) to select. nerve : str | list of str Nerve(s) to select. flow : str | list of str Flow(s) to select. super_class : str | list of str Super class(es) to select. cell_class : str | list of str Cell class(es) to select. cell_sub_class : str | list of str Cell sub class(es) to select. ito_lee_hemilineage : str | list of str Hemilineage(s) to select. morphology_group : str | list of str Morphology group(s) to select. fbbt_id : str | list of str Virtual Fly Brain ID(s) to select. community_annotation : str | list of str Community annotation(s) to select. It is recommended to use ``regex=True`` to search for partial matches (e.g. ".*Mi1.*"). regex : bool Whether to interpret string criteria as regex. case : bool Whether to interpret string criteria as case sensitive. annotation_version : str, optional Which version of the annotations to use. This should correspond to a tag (e.g. the "v1.1.0" release) or a branch of the annotation repository (see URL above). - if `None` (default), will use in order: 1. The version set by ``flywire.set_default_annotation_version()`` 2. The version set by environment variable ``FLYWIRE_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION`` 3. The latest tagged release available on the "main" branch - if `latest_commit` will use the latest available commit - if `latest_tag` will use the latest available tag (release) Please see the online tutorial on annotations for details. materialization : "live" | "latest" | int | bool, optional Which materialization version to search. By default, this is set to `None` and will get automatically adjusted to reflect the materialization version requested by the function the `NeuronCriteria` is passed to. dataset : "public" | "production" | "sandbox", optional Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If ``None`` will fall back to the default dataset (see also :func:`~fafbseg.flywire.set_default_dataset`). verbose : bool Whether to print information on which annotations were used. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> from fafbseg.flywire import NeuronCriteria as NC Check which fields can be queried: >>> NC.available_fields() array(['root_id', 'flow', 'super_class', 'cell_class', 'cell_sub_class', 'cell_type', 'hemibrain_type', 'ito_lee_hemilineage', 'hartenstein_hemilineage', 'morphology_group', 'top_nt', 'known_nt', 'side', 'nerve', 'fbbt_id', 'status', 'type', 'community_annotation'], dtype='<U23') Fetch all types for DA1 projection neurons (this searches all type columns): >>> filter = NC(type='DA1_lPN') Search specifically for a hemibrain type: >>> filter = NC(hemibrain_type='DA1_lPN') Search for multiple cell types: >>> filter = NC(type=['DA1_lPN', 'DA1_vPN']) Search for all ORNs: >>> filter = NC(type='ORN_.*', regex=True) Search for all ORNs on the left side of the brain: >>> filter = NC(type='ORN_.*', side='left', regex=True) Search for all neurons with a given community annotation: >>> filter = NC(community_annotation='.*Mi1.*', regex=True) Note that for community annotations you likely want to use regex to search for partial matches. ``NeuronCriteria`` can also be passed directly to functions that accept multiple root IDs: >>> cn = flywire.get_connectivity(NC(hemibrain_type='DA1_lPN')) Using annotation version "latest tagged release" (327ae7b from 2024-01-10) from Found 15 neurons matching the given criteria. Using materialization version 783. >>> cn.head() pre post weight 0 720575940635945919 720575940605102694 106 1 720575940635945919 720575940637208718 106 2 720575940614956072 720575940630066007 104 3 720575940614956072 720575940621239679 89 4 720575940635945919 720575940619385765 87 """
[docs] @inject_dataset() def __init__(self, *, regex=False, case=False, verbose=True, dataset=None, annotation_version=None, materialization=None, **criteria): # If no criteria make sure this is intended if not len(criteria): navis.config.logger.warning('No criteria specified. This will query all neurons!') # Make sure all criteria are valid fields for field in criteria: if field in self.available_fields(): break bm = fw.process.extractBests(field, self.available_fields().tolist(), scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio)[0][0] raise ValueError(f'"{field}" is not a searchable field. ' f'Did you mean "{bm}"?') self.criteria = criteria self.annotation_version = annotation_version self.materialization = materialization self.dataset = dataset self.regex = regex = case self.verbose = verbose self._annotations = None
def __iter__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_roots'): self._roots = self.get_roots() return iter(self._roots) def __len__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_roots'): self._roots = self.get_roots() return len(self._roots) def __contains__(self, item): if not hasattr(self, '_roots'): self._roots = self.get_roots() return item in self._roots @classmethod def available_fields(self): """Return all available fields for selection.""" return np.asarray(AVAILABLE_FIELDS) @property def annotations(self): """Return hierarchical annotations.""" if self._annotations is None: self._annotations = get_hierarchical_annotations(materialization=self.materialization, dataset=self.dataset, annotation_version=self.annotation_version, verbose=self.verbose, force_reload=False) return self._annotations @property def community_annotations(self): """Return community annotations for the given materialization.""" return _get_community_annotation_table(dataset=self.dataset, materialization=self.materialization, split_positions=False, verbose=self.verbose) @property def is_empty(self): """Returns True if no criteria are specified.""" return len(self.criteria) == 0 def get_roots(self): """Return all root IDs matching the given criteria.""" # Initialize as int64 to avoid issues on Windows machines roots = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) # If no criteria at all, just return all root IDs if not len(self.criteria): roots = self.annotations.root_id.unique() if self.verbose: print(f'Querying all {len(roots)} neurons!') return roots # If at least one criteria that's in the hierarchical annotations table if len({k for k in self.criteria if k != 'community_annotation'}): ann = self.annotations # Apply our filters for field, value in self.criteria.items(): # Skip community annotations (will deal with them later) if field == 'community_annotation': continue # For "type" we will filter on both "cell_type" and # "hemibrain_type" columns and merge the results elif field == 'type': ann = pd.concat((_filter_table(ann, 'cell_type', value, regex=self.regex,, _filter_table(ann, 'hemibrain_type', value, regex=self.regex,, axis=0).drop_duplicates('root_id') # Everything else is just a simple filter else: ann = _filter_table(ann, field, value, regex=self.regex, roots = ann.root_id.unique() # If we have a community annotation if 'community_annotation' in self.criteria: # Make sure we're working with strings value = match_dtype(self.criteria['community_annotation'], str) # Get the community annotation table cann = self.community_annotations cann = _filter_table(cann, 'tag', value, regex=self.regex, # Check if we need to intersect with hierarchical annotations if len(self.criteria) > 1: # Intersect with IDs from hierarchical annotations - e.g. if # asked "give me all LHS neurons with given community tag(s)" roots = roots[np.isin(roots, cann.pt_root_id)] else: # If no other criteria, just return the root IDs from the # community annotations table roots = cann.pt_root_id.unique() if not len(roots): raise NoMatchesError('No neurons found matching the given criteria.') elif self.verbose: print(f'Found {len(roots)} {"neurons" if len(roots) >1 else "neuron"} matching the given criteria.') return np.unique(roots)
class NoMatchesError(ValueError): """Raised if no matches are found.""" pass def _filter_table(table, column, value, regex=False, case=False): """Little helper function to filter given table.""" # Make sure the criteria and the field have the same data type dt = table[column].dtype is_str_col = hasattr(table[column], 'str') try: value = match_dtype(value, dt) except BaseException: raise ValueError(f'Unable to convert value for field "{column}" into type {dt}') if navis.utils.is_iterable(value): if regex and is_str_col: table = table[table[column].str.match('|'.join(value), na=False, case=case)] elif is_str_col and not case: table = table[table[column].str.lower().isin([v.lower() for v in value])] else: table = table[table[column].isin(value)] else: if regex and is_str_col: table = table[table[column].str.match(value, na=False, case=case)] elif is_str_col and not case: table = table[table[column].str.lower() == value.lower()] else: table = table[table[column] == value] return table
[docs] def set_default_annotation_version(version): """Set the default annotation version for this session. Alternatively, you can also use a FLYWIRE_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION environment variable (must be set before starting Python). Parameters ---------- version : str, optional Which version of the annotations to use. This should correspond to a tag (e.g. the "v2.0.0" release) or a branch of the annotation repository: If `None`, will use the latest release in the main branch. Please see the annotation tutorial on readthedocs for details. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> flywire.set_default_annotation_version('v2.0.0') Default annotation version set to tag "v2.0.0". """ branches = [b['name'] for b in _get_available_branches()] tags = [t['name'] for t in _get_available_annotation_versions()] if version: if version in ('latest_commit', 'latest_tag'): pass elif version in branches: print(f'Default annotation version set to latest commit in branch "{version}".') elif version in tags: print(f'Default annotation version set to tag "{version}".') else: raise ValueError(f'`version="{version}" not found.\n' f'Available tags: {", ".join(tags)}\n' f'Available branches: {", ".join(branches)}\n') else: print('Default annotation version set to `None` (will use latest release on "main" branch).') global DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_VERSION = version