
fafbseg.flywire.get_l2_info(root_ids, progress=True, max_threads=4, *, dataset=None)[source]#

Fetch basic info for given neuron(s) using the L2 cache.

  • root_ids (int | list of ints | NeuronCriteria) – FlyWire root ID(s) for which to fetch L2 infos.

  • progress (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar.

  • max_threads (int) – Number of parallel requests to make.

  • dataset ("public" | "production" | "sandbox" | "flat_630", optional) – Against which FlyWire dataset to query. If None will fall back to the default dataset (see set_default_dataset()).


DataFrame with basic info (also see Examples):
  • length_um is the sum of the max diameter across all L2 chunks; note that this severely underestimates the actual length (factor >10) but is still useful for relative comparisons

  • bounds_nm is a very rough bounding box based on the representative coordinates of the L2 chunks

  • chunks_missing is the number of L2 chunks not present in the L2 cache

Return type:



>>> from fafbseg import flywire
>>> info = flywire.get_l2_info(720575940614131061)
>>> info                                                    
              root_id  l2_chunks  chunks_missing    area_um2    size_um3  length_um   ...
0  720575940614131061        286               0  2378.16384  163.876526     60.666   ...