API Documentation¶
FAFBseg is divided into separate modules to split functions by data source/type:
for FlyWire functions
for functions related to Google’s segmentation of FAFB
for transforming spatial data between FAFB14 and FlyWire’s FAFB14.1
See below for a by-module breakdown.
Interact with the segmentation:
Retrieve FlyWire segment (i.e. root) IDs at given location(s). |
Get root IDs overlapping with a given neuron. |
Retrieve FlyWire supervoxel IDs at given location(s). |
Get root(s) for given supervoxel(s). |
Find the FlyWire root ID for a given (FAFB) CATMAID neuron. |
Check if root is the current one. |
Retrieve the most recent version of given FlyWire (root) ID(s). |
Fetch voxels making a up given root ID. |
Test if neuron has been set to proofread. |
Find a time at which given root IDs co-existed. |
Find a representative coordinate. |
Fetch cutout of segmentation. |
Fetch neurons:
Fetch FlyWire neuron as navis.MeshNeuron. |
Fetch nuclei segmentation for given neuron(s). |
Fetch precomputed skeletons. |
Skeletonize FlyWire neuron. |
Skeletonization on parallel cores. |
Fetch adjacency matrix. |
Fetch Buhmann et al. (2019) connectivity for given neuron(s). |
Fetch Buhmann et al. (2019) synapses for given neuron(s). |
Fetch synapse counts for given root IDs. |
Fetch neurotransmitter predictions for neurons. |
L2-related functions:
Fetch basic info for given neuron(s) using the L2 cache. |
Fetch L2 graph(s). |
Generate dotprops from L2 chunks. |
Generate skeleton from L2 graph. |
Fetch edit history for given neuron(s). |
Fetch leader board (# of edits). |
Load FlyWire neuropil volumes. |
Get lineage graph for given neuron. |
Find out if given xyz positions are on the fly's left or right. |
Fetch voxels making a up given root ID. |
For fetching annotations:
Search hierarchical annotations (super class, cell class, cell type, etc). |
Search community cell identification annotations for given term/root IDs. |
Download (and cache) hierarchical annotations. |
Parses filter queries into root IDs. |
For interaction with the CAVE engine:
Fetch info on the available materializations. |
Create CAVE annotation table. |
Fetch available CAVE annotation tables. |
Get info for given CAVE table. |
Get annotations from given CAVE table. |
Delete annotations from CAVE annotation table. |
Upload or update annotations to CAVE table. |
Utility functions:
Set the default FlyWire dataset for this session. |
Set the default annotation version for this session. |
Fetch (and cache) user information (name, affiliation, etc.) from their IDs. |
Encode data as FlyWire neuroglancer scene. |
Decode neuroglancer URL. |
Google segmentation¶
Retrieve Google segmentation IDs at given location(s). |
Retrieve autoseg neurons of given segmentation ID(s). |
Retrieve skeleton IDs of neurons corresponding to given segmentation ID(s). |
Get segment IDs overlapping with a given neuron. |
Find autoseg tracings constituting a given neuron. |
Find manual tracings overlapping with given autoseg neuron. |
Use autoseg to find (and annotate) potential missed branches. |
Get mesh for given segmentation ID using CloudVolume. |
Automatically review (low-confidence) edges between nodes. |
Test if edge(s) cross membranes using ray-casting. |
Spatial transformation¶
Note that typically you will want to use e.g.
navis.xform_brain(data, source='FAFB14', target='FLYWIRE')
but you can
also use these low-level functions:
Transform neurons/coordinates from flywire to FAFB V14. |
Transform neurons/coordinates from FAFB v14 to flywire. |