FAFBseg tools

FAFBseg is a set of Python tools to work with various kinds of segmentation data in the FAFB dataset:

A lot of this library depends on services hosted by Eric Perlman and Davi Bock. So if you happen to bump into them say thank you and buy them a beer.


If you are coming from fafbseg prior to version 1.0.0: We have made major changes to better organize the diverse landscape of FAFB segmentation data. Function names and their locations have changed! See the API for an overview.

Quick Start

To install the latest stable version of fafbseg-py with pip.

pip3 install fafbseg

For the development version from Github:

pip3 install git+git://github.com/flyconnectome/fafbseg-py.git

Now have a look at the examples or the API to get started.


fafbseg has not been tested on Windows and is unlikely to work off the bat. I highly recommend using either OSX or linux.


Table of Contents

Table Of Contents