
fafbseg.flywire.skid_to_id(x, dataset='production', progress=True, **kwargs)[source]

Find the flywire ID(s) corresponding to given CATMAID skeleton ID(s).

This function works by:
  1. Fetch supervoxels for all nodes in the CATMAID skeletons

  2. Pick a random sample of sample of these supervoxels

  3. Fetch the most recent root IDs for the sample supervoxels

  4. Return the root ID that collectively cover 90% of the supervoxels

  • x (int | list-like | str | TreeNeuron/List) – Anything that’s not a TreeNeuron/List will be passed directly to pymaid.get_neuron.

  • dataset (str | CloudVolume) –

    Against which flywire dataset to query::
    • ”production” (current production dataset, fly_v31)

    • ”sandbox” (i.e. fly_v26)

  • progress (bool) – If True, shows progress bar.


Mapping of flywire IDs to skeleton IDs with confidence:

flywire_id   skeleton_id   confidence

0 1

Return type
