Source code for fafbseg.flywire.segmentation

#    A collection of tools to interface with manually traced and autosegmented
#    data in FAFB.
#    Copyright (C) 2019 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import pymaid
import navis
import requests
import textwrap

import cloudvolume as cv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from concurrent import futures
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
from scipy import ndimage
from import tqdm

from .. import utils
from .. import xform

from .utils import parse_volume, FLYWIRE_DATASETS

    import skeletor as sk
except ImportError:
    sk = None
except BaseException:

__all__ = ['fetch_edit_history', 'locs_to_segments',
           'locs_to_supervoxels', 'skid_to_id', 'update_ids']

[docs]def fetch_edit_history(x, dataset='production', progress=True, max_threads=4): """Fetch edit history for given neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x : int | iterable dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) progress : bool If True, show progress bar. max_threads : int Max number of parallel requests to server. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> # Fetch edits >>> edits = flywire.fetch_edit_history(720575940621039145) >>> # Group by user >>> edits.groupby('user_name').size() user_name Claire McKellar 47 Jay Gager 4 Sandeep Kumar 1 Sarah Morejohn 6 dtype: int64 """ if not isinstance(x, (list, set, np.ndarray)): x = [x] session = requests.Session() future_session = FuturesSession(session=session, max_workers=max_threads) token = cv.secrets.chunkedgraph_credentials['token'] session.headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {token}" futures = [] for id in x: dataset = FLYWIRE_DATASETS.get(dataset, dataset) url = f'{dataset}/root/{id}/tabular_change_log' f = future_session.get(url, params=None) futures.append(f) # Get the responses resp = [f.result() for f in tqdm(futures, desc='Fetching', disable=not progress or len(futures) == 1, leave=False)] df = [] for r, i in zip(resp, x): r.raise_for_status() this_df = pd.DataFrame(r.json()) this_df['segment'] = i df.append(this_df) # Concat if any edits at all if any([not f.empty for f in df]): # Drop neurons without edits df = [f for f in df if not f.empty] df = pd.concat(df, axis=0, sort=True) df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df.timestamp, unit='ms') else: # Return the first empty data frame df = df[0] return df
[docs]def locs_to_supervoxels(locs, mip=2, coordinates='pixel'): """Retrieve flywire supervoxel IDs at given location(s). Use Eric Perlman's service on spine. Parameters ---------- locs : list-like Array of x/y/z coordinates. mip : int [2-8] Scale to query. Lower mip = more precise but slower; higher mip = faster but less precise (small supervoxels might not show at all). coordinates : "pixel" | "nm" Units in which your coordinates are in. "pixel" is assumed to be 4x4x40 (x/y/z) nanometers. Returns ------- numpy.array List of segmentation IDs in the same order as ``locs``. Invalid locations will be returned with ID 0. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> # Fetch supervoxel at two locations >>> locs = [[133131, 55615, 3289], [132802, 55661, 3289]] >>> flywire.locs_to_supervoxels(locs) array([79801454835332154, 79731086091150780], dtype=uint64) """ return utils.query_spine(locs, dataset='flywire_190410', query='query', coordinates=coordinates, mip=2)
[docs]def locs_to_segments(locs, root_ids=True, dataset='production', coordinates='pixel'): """Retrieve flywire segment IDs at given location(s). Parameters ---------- locs : list-like Array of x/y/z coordinates. root_ids : bool If True, will return root IDs. If False, will return supervoxel IDs. dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) Only relevant if ``root_ids=True``. coordinates : "pixel" | "nm" Units in which your coordinates are in. "pixel" is assumed to be 4x4x40 (x/y/z) nanometers. Returns ------- numpy.array List of segmentation IDs in the same order as ``locs``. Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> # Fetch root IDs at two locations >>> locs = [[133131, 55615, 3289], [132802, 55661, 3289]] >>> flywire.locs_to_segments(locs) array([720575940621039145, 720575940621039145]) """ svoxels = locs_to_supervoxels(locs, coordinates=coordinates) if not root_ids: return svoxels vol = parse_volume(dataset) # get_roots() doesn't like to be asked for zeros - causes server error roots = np.zeros(svoxels.shape, dtype=np.int64) roots[svoxels != 0] = vol.get_roots(svoxels[svoxels != 0]) return roots
[docs]def skid_to_id(x, dataset='production', progress=True, **kwargs): """Find the flywire ID(s) corresponding to given CATMAID skeleton ID(s). This function works by: 1. Fetch supervoxels for all nodes in the CATMAID skeletons 2. Pick a random sample of ``sample`` of these supervoxels 3. Fetch the most recent root IDs for the sample supervoxels 4. Return the root ID that collectively cover 90% of the supervoxels Parameters ---------- x : int | list-like | str | TreeNeuron/List Anything that's not a TreeNeuron/List will be passed directly to ``pymaid.get_neuron``. dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) progress : bool If True, shows progress bar. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Mapping of flywire IDs to skeleton IDs with confidence:: flywire_id skeleton_id confidence 0 1 """ vol = parse_volume(dataset, **kwargs) if not isinstance(x, (navis.TreeNeuron, navis.NeuronList)): x = pymaid.get_neuron(x) if isinstance(x, navis.TreeNeuron): nodes = x.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].copy() nodes['skeleton_id'] = elif isinstance(x, navis.NeuronList): nodes = x.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].copy() else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to data of type "{type(x)}"') # XForm coordinates from FAFB14 to FAFB14.1 xformed = xform.fafb14_to_flywire(nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, coordinates='nm') # Get the root IDs for each of these locations roots = locs_to_segments(xformed, coordinates='nm') # Drop zeros roots = roots[roots != 0] # Find unique Ids and count them unique, counts = np.unique(roots, return_counts=True) # Get sorted indices sort_ix = np.argsort(counts) # New Id is the most frequent ID new_id = unique[sort_ix[-1]] # Confidence is the difference between the top and the 2nd most frequent ID if len(unique) > 1: diff_1st_2nd = counts[sort_ix[-1]] - counts[sort_ix[-2]] conf = round(diff_1st_2nd / roots.shape[0], 2) else: conf = 1 return pd.DataFrame([[, new_id, conf, != new_id]], columns=['old_id', 'new_id', 'confidence', 'changed'])
[docs]def update_ids(id, sample=0.1, dataset='production', progress=True, **kwargs): """Retrieve the most recent version of given flywire neuron(s). This function works by: 1. Fetching all supervoxels for a given to-be-updated ID 2. Picking a random sample of ``sample`` of these supervoxels 3. Fetching the most recent root IDs for the sample supervoxels 4. Returning the root ID that was hit the most. Parameters ---------- id : int | list-like Single ID or list of flywire (root) IDs. sample : int | float Number (>= 1) or fraction (< 1) of super voxels to sample to guess the most recent version. dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) progress : bool If True, shows progress bar. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Mapping of old -> new root IDs with confidence:: old_id new_id confidence changed 0 1 Examples -------- >>> from fafbseg import flywire >>> flywire.update_ids(720575940621039145) old_id new_id confidence changed 0 720575940621039145 720575940621039145 1 False """ assert sample > 0, '`sample` must be > 0' vol = parse_volume(dataset, **kwargs) if isinstance(id, (list, set, np.ndarray)): res = [update_ids(x, vol=vol, sample=sample) for x in tqdm(id, desc='Updating', leave=False, disable=not progress or len(id) == 1)] return pd.concat(res, axis=0, sort=False) # Get supervoxel ids - we need to use mip=0 because otherwise small neurons # might not have any (visible) supervoxels svoxels = vol.get_leaves(id, bbox=vol.meta.bounds(0), mip=0) # Shuffle voxels np.random.shuffle(svoxels) # Generate sample if sample >= 1: smpl = svoxels[: sample] else: smpl = svoxels[: int(len(svoxels) * sample)] # Fetch up-to-date root IDs for the sampled supervoxels roots = vol.get_roots(smpl) # Find unique Ids and count them unique, counts = np.unique(roots, return_counts=True) # Get sorted indices sort_ix = np.argsort(counts) # New Id is the most frequent ID new_id = unique[sort_ix[-1]] # Confidence is the difference between the top and the 2bd most frequent ID if len(unique) > 1: conf = round((counts[sort_ix[-1]] - counts[sort_ix[-2]]) / sum(counts), 2) else: conf = 1 return pd.DataFrame([[id, new_id, conf, id != new_id]], columns=['old_id', 'new_id', 'confidence', 'changed'])
def snap_to_id(locs, id, snap_zero=False, dataset='production', search_radius=160, coordinates='nm', max_workers=4, verbose=True): """Snap locations to the correct segmentation ID. Works by: 1. Fetch segmentation ID for each location and for those with the wrong ID: 2. Fetch cube around each loc and snap to the closest pixel with correct ID Parameters ---------- locs : (N, 3) array Array of x/y/z coordinates. id : int Expected ID at each location. snap_zero : bool If False (default), we will not snap locations that map to segment ID 0 (i.e. no segmentation). dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) search_radius : int Radius [nm] around a location to search for a position with the correct ID. Lower values will be faster. coordinates : "pixel" | "nm" Coordinate system of `locs`. If "pixel" it is assumed to be 4 x 4 x 40 nm. max_workers : int verbose : bool If True will plot summary at then end. Returns ------- (N, 3) array x/y/z locations that are guaranteed to map to the correct ID. """ assert coordinates in ['nm', 'pixel'] if isinstance(locs, navis.TreeNeuron): locs = locs.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values # This also makes sure we work on a copy locs = np.array(locs, copy=True) assert locs.ndim == 2 and locs.shape[1] == 3 # From hereon out we are working with nanometers if coordinates == 'pixel': locs *= [4, 4, 40] root_ids = locs_to_segments(locs, dataset=dataset, coordinates='nm') id_wrong = root_ids != id not_zero = root_ids != 0 to_fix = id_wrong if not snap_zero: to_fix = to_fix & not_zero # Use parallel processes to go over the to-fix nodes with tqdm(desc='Snapping', total=to_fix.sum(), leave=False) as pbar: with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as ex: loc_futures = [ex.submit(_process_cutout, id=id, loc=locs[ix], dataset=dataset, radius=search_radius) for ix in np.where(to_fix)[0]] for f in futures.as_completed(loc_futures): pbar.update(1) # Get results results = [f.result() for f in loc_futures] # Stack locations new_locs = np.vstack(results) # If no new location found, array will be [0, 0, 0] not_snapped = new_locs.max(axis=1) == 0 # Update location to_update = np.where(to_fix)[0][~not_snapped] locs[to_update, :] = new_locs[~not_snapped] if verbose: msg = f"""\ {to_fix.sum()} of {to_fix.shape[0]} locations needed to be snapped. Of these {not_snapped.sum()} locations could not be snapped - consider increasing `search_radius`. """ print(textwrap.dedent(msg)) return locs def _process_cutout(loc, id, radius=160, dataset='production'): """Process single cutout for snap_to_id.""" # Get this location loc = loc.round() # Generating bounding box around this location mn = loc - radius mx = loc + radius # Make sure it's a multiple of 4 and 40 mn = mn - mn % [4, 4, 40] mx = mx - mx % [4, 4, 40] # Generate bounding box bbox = np.vstack((mn, mx)) # Get the cutout, the resolution and offset cutout, res, offset_nm = get_segmentation_cutout(bbox, dataset=dataset, root_ids=True, coordinates='nm') # Generate a mask mask = (cutout == id).astype(int) # Erode so we move our point slightly more inside the segmentation mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(mask).astype(mask.dtype) # Find positions the ID we are looking for our_id = np.vstack(np.where(mask)).T # Return [0, 0, 0] if unable to snap (i.e. if id not within radius) if not our_id.size: return np.array([0, 0, 0]) # Get the closest on to the center of the cutout center = np.divide(cutout.shape, 2).round() dist = np.abs(our_id - center).sum(axis=1) closest = our_id[np.argmin(dist)] # Convert the cutout offset to absolute 4/4/40 pixel coordinates snapped = closest * res + offset_nm return snapped def get_segmentation_cutout(bbox, dataset='production', root_ids=True, coordinates='pixel'): """Fetch cutout of segmentation. Parameters ---------- bbox : array-like Bounding box for the cutout:: [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax]] root_ids : bool If True, will return root IDs. If False, will return supervoxel IDs. dataset : str | CloudVolume Against which flywire dataset to query:: - "production" (current production dataset, fly_v31) - "sandbox" (i.e. fly_v26) coordinates : "pixel" | "nm" Units in which your coordinates are in. "pixel" is assumed to be 4x4x40 (x/y/z) nanometers. Returns ------- cutout : np.ndarry (N, M) array of segmentation (root or supervoxel) IDs. resolution : (3, ) numpy array [x, y, z] resolution of pixels in cutout. nm_offset : (3, ) numpy array [x, y, z] offset in nanometers of the cutout with respect to the absolute coordinates. """ assert coordinates in ['nm', 'pixel'] bbox = np.asarray(bbox) assert bbox.ndim == 2 if bbox.shape == (2, 3): pass elif bbox.shape == (3, 2): bbox = bbox.T else: raise ValueError(f'`bbox` must have shape (2, 3) or (3, 2), got {bbox.shape}') vol = parse_volume(dataset) # First convert to nanometers if coordinates == 'pixel': bbox = bbox * [4, 4, 40] # Now convert (back to) to [16, 16, 40] pixel bbox = (bbox / vol.scale['resolution']).round().astype(int) offset_nm = bbox[0] * vol.scale['resolution'] # Get cutout cutout = vol[bbox[0][0]:bbox[1][0], bbox[0][1]:bbox[1][1], bbox[0][2]:bbox[1][2]] if root_ids: svoxels = np.unique(cutout.flatten()) roots = vol.get_roots(svoxels[svoxels != 0]) sv2r = dict(zip(svoxels[svoxels != 0], roots)) for k, v in sv2r.items(): cutout[cutout == k] = v return cutout[:, :, :, 0], np.asarray(vol.scale['resolution']), offset_nm